Establishing a Relational Culture of Trust
Everything depends on trust.
Maneuvering Through Change
We have been given a choice in how we respond to life change.
Fervently Pursuing Joy
There are moments when we feel present, alive, and glimpse into what makes life worth living. It allows our true essence to surface…
Filled With Awe
Incorporating more aesthetically pleasing experiences into your day can help to create miniature moments of transcendence…
Picture Perfect?
Academics will always matter, and parents are justified to hold high expectations for their children. Yet, there are other skills that are likely to be important for success in the 21st century.
Active Empathic Listening
A new season will always invite opportunities to connect and build meaningful relationships. Empathy is not just important. It is vital. Even essential.
Triggering Gratefulness
A regular gratitude practice can be like a workout and healthy diet that nourishes your mind.
Embracing Self-Compassion
Life is hard. Being tough on yourself makes it even harder. Start within and allow yourself to respond lovingly to your inner critic.
Standing against Second-Hand Stress
In such a highly connected world, we need to find ways to improve our emotional immune system, otherwise we risk the negative effects of second-hand stress.
Cultivating and Leading with Empathy
Empathy requires us to be attuned with our senses, thoughts, and emotions so that we can empower and strengthen our relationships in life.
Gen Z: Called to Lead
Establishing a culture that celebrates leadership and makes it truly accessible, regardless of our backgrounds, can help everyone feel more comfortable seeing themselves as - and acting like - a leader.
Renewing Attention
Attention management is essentially recognizing where our attention travels to and how to maintain control over what tends to steal it. This can be ruminative thoughts, worry and anxiety, or even external distractions that contribute to the loss of daily focus.
Power of Connection
In the end, the power of connection reveals itself in how we feel. This will lead to higher self-esteem, greater empathy, and renewed purpose.
Building Inner Focus
Mind-wandering behavior can look like this: You wake up with a clear plan of attack for the day, and what feels like a moment, you find yourself back in your living room at home. Perhaps 9 to 10 hours of the day passed during the interim, but you only accomplished a few of your priorities on the list. Most likely, you are unable to remember what exactly happened in the day. Many are operating on autopilot rather than experiencing their day.
Pursuing an Authentic Social Network
Current social capital theory says that social networks have value. Typically, as physical capital refers to the value of physical objects and human capital on the qualities of individual lives, social capital refers to the value of social connections among individual social networks.