Gen Z: Called to Lead
Self-Identity Deepak Santhiraj Self-Identity Deepak Santhiraj

Gen Z: Called to Lead

Establishing a culture that celebrates leadership and makes it truly accessible, regardless of our backgrounds, can help everyone feel more comfortable seeing themselves as - and acting like - a leader.

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Renewing Attention
Motivation and Habits Deepak Santhiraj Motivation and Habits Deepak Santhiraj

Renewing Attention

Attention management is essentially recognizing where our attention travels to and how to maintain control over what tends to steal it. This can be ruminative thoughts, worry and anxiety, or even external distractions that contribute to the loss of daily focus.

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Building Inner Focus
Motivation and Habits Deepak Santhiraj Motivation and Habits Deepak Santhiraj

Building Inner Focus

Mind-wandering behavior can look like this: You wake up with a clear plan of attack for the day, and what feels like a moment, you find yourself back in your living room at home. Perhaps 9 to 10 hours of the day passed during the interim, but you only accomplished a few of your priorities on the list. Most likely, you are unable to remember what exactly happened in the day. Many are operating on autopilot rather than experiencing their day.

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Pursuing an Authentic Social Network
Community Deepak Santhiraj Community Deepak Santhiraj

Pursuing an Authentic Social Network

Current social capital theory says that social networks have value. Typically, as physical capital refers to the value of physical objects and human capital on the qualities of individual lives, social capital refers to the value of social connections among individual social networks.

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The Pursuit of Happiness with Flow
Emotion Regulation Deepak Santhiraj Emotion Regulation Deepak Santhiraj

The Pursuit of Happiness with Flow

Social psychologists of our era have started to engage with the great questions of life: What is happiness? Who has it? Who does not? And why not?The research studies and their findings are sobering yet fascinating. People are unable to acquire happiness simply by desiring it, and waiting for it does not guarantee it.

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A Literary Pastime
Motivation and Habits Deepak Santhiraj Motivation and Habits Deepak Santhiraj

A Literary Pastime

Fictional literature is a form of expression, artwork, perception, and understanding that calls us to accept it with affection. Reading fiction allows us to improve in our own capacity to step into someone else’s perspective, understand social situations more effectively, and learn to cultivate a sense of societal awareness as we digest others’ thoughts and emotions.

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Moving Past Procrastination
Motivation and Habits Deepak Santhiraj Motivation and Habits Deepak Santhiraj

Moving Past Procrastination

For many, procrastination can be likened to a strange and opposing force similar to bringing like poles of a magnet together. It can cause its victims to fail out of school, perform poorly in the workplace, put off saving for retirement, and prevent the pursuit of medical treatment among many other life scenarios.

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