Managing Time Effectively
Do you feel as though you don’t have enough time to get everything done? It’s natural to think, “If I just had a little more time, or had less to do, or could get caught up, it wouldn’t be a problem.” Because time is the one “thing” that everyone has the same amount of, regardless of wealth or status, what varies is how much is expected (or demanded) from each of us during a designated span of time. Because time itself cannot be managed, it comes down to what you do in that designated span of time, and this is where psychology comes into play. A suite of psychological phenomena work in concert to undermine our sense of accomplishment and satisfaction with our time management.
Consider the vast array of tasks you could potentially accomplish within a given timeframe. You probably have a long to-do list, including urgent, soon-to-be-urgent, and future tasks. Which do you prioritize?
It’s common to start with smaller, easier tasks. This tendency, known as task completion bias, is driven by the desire to reduce psychological discomfort and experience the satisfaction and neurotransmitter rewards associated with completing tasks. It’s like scratching a lottery ticket and winning a small prize—it won’t change your life, but it provides a momentary pleasure.
While starting with small tasks might seem harmless, it can have negative consequences. The constant stream of emails, texts, and other messages can create a sense of urgency around small tasks, diverting attention from larger, more important ones that may have less immediate deadlines. This can lead to procrastination and missed opportunities.
As a result, we often fail to achieve the goals that are most meaningful to us and align with our values. Caught in the cycle of task completion bias, we may experience increased stress and a sense of time pressure as deadlines for larger, more complex tasks approach.
Our most important work often requires sustained attention and deep thought. However, when overwhelmed by too many tasks, it’s easy to be tempted by multitasking. Research consistently shows that multitasking is inefficient and can increase stress. Additionally, frequent multitasking and focusing on small tasks can train the brain to function in a way that makes deep work more difficult over time.
In addition to task completion bias and multitasking, other psychological factors can hinder our ability to prioritize and complete important tasks. One such factor is the planning fallacy, the tendency to be overly optimistic about the amount of time we have available and the time required to complete a task.
How many hours do you have to work at your job? You might answer “8 hours.” However, we know from experience that interruptions, distractions, breaks, and other factors will reduce the actual available work time. How much time will you have to focus on a priority? Whatever your answer, it’s likely too optimistic. We tend to underestimate nonproductive factors, unexpected tasks, and problems that arise throughout the day. We also underestimate the time it takes to complete tasks for similar reasons.
Start each day by identifying your most important tasks. Ask yourself, “If I could only work on one thing today, what should it be?” Define “important” in terms of personal meaning, professional significance, stress reduction, or long-lasting impact.
Break down larger tasks into smaller, achievable steps. Instead of planning to “work on X,” set specific goals that you can mark as completed. This leverages task completion bias to your advantage and provides opportunities for self-reward.
Avoid multitasking and distractions. Schedule dedicated time for deep work and create a distraction-free environment. This might involve closing your door, wearing headphones, or setting auto-replies.
Combat the planning fallacy. Estimate the time available for your tasks and the time required to complete them. Reduce your time estimates and increase your task duration estimates. Track your actual experience to refine your predictions. Consider using a coworker as a reference point to avoid personal biases.
Anticipate interruptions and delays. Develop behavioral responses, known as implementation intentions, to address these challenges. For example, “If a coworker interrupts me, I will explain and reschedule our conversation.” Or, “While working on X, I will turn off notifications and avoid checking messages.”
Time management is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s an ongoing process that requires self-awareness and experimentation. The psychological phenomena and strategies discussed here can provide a valuable starting point for your professional development.